
Posters in Graphic Design: A Study of Shape, Color, Composition and Space

Pair Share activity: look at the above images and list out the common information in each

Your list should be at least 4 items

Pair up with your table partner and compare your lists.

Combine your lists to make a final version.

Choose one of you to share out to the class what your final list is.

Poster Examples HERE and Template Examples HERE

Composition: The following video will be shown and discussed in class w/ handout:

Beginning Graphic Design: Layout and Composition (5:14)


25 Ways to Design an Awesome Poster

Five Simple Steps to Designing Your First Movie Poster

Poster Design in Real Life: Another Planet Entertainment site; APE Posters


You will be creating your own poster to promote a concert or event.

Important Info:

Who (who is it for, who is putting it on)

What (is being marketed?)

When (Dates/ Times)

Where (Physical Location)

Color Palette (Click HERE for Pallette ideas)

Images must be CLEAR (search high resolution images)


Step 1: Decide Your Poster Type

Using the following sites: Poster Examples HERE and Template Examples HERE

Conduct some research and generate some ideas of how you will approach this project.

Determine how your poster will answer the following questions in your sketchbook:

1. What is the message you are trying to communicate?

2. Who is your target audience?

3. What mood do you want to communicate?

4. What is the most important part of the poster?

5. What ELEMENTS of ART will you be using?

6. What PRINCIPLES of DESIGN will you will be using?

Step 2: Create Thumbnail Sketches in Your Sketchbook

Be sure you have a full list of the who, what, when, and where information

In your sketchbook, draw images (at least three) and come up with the words/phrases that convey the intention of the poster.

These are rough drawings and ideas and are called "Thumbnail Sketches," dimensions 4 x 5.5 inches

Each thumbnail sketch should be for the SAME EVENT, but the layout and composition should be different.

All thumbnail sketches should be nicely colored in.

**Glue a RUBRIC into your sketchbook & Come check your designs with Mrs. Yelenick. You must have a sign off before moving on**

Step 3: Setting Up Your Photoshop File

Create a NEW canvas in Photoshop measuring 8 inches x 10 inches (portrait) or 10 inches x 8 inches (landscape) to create your work.

Step 4: Creating Your Poster in Photoshop

Recreate your drawing from your sketchbook. Be sure to fill the whole page, and do not leave any information out! Make sure that it genuinely LOOKS GOOD!

    • Consider: Your choice of colors, font and text, background, and image(s) you choose.

Step 5: Finishing Your Poster, Uploading, and Completing the Rubric

When you believe you are 100% finished, recheck the rubric to make sure it really looks as great as possible and that you have fulfilled the rubric's expectations and objectives.

Save your poster as a final Photoshop file and then resave as a JPEG.

Upload it onto your webpage called "Poster."

Go to your selected page > Edit > Insert Image > Upload Images button, and find your image > OK > Save)

Step 6: Upload your Poster JPG to Google Classroom to Print it

Go to the Google Classroom assignment for Posters and upload your Poster JPEG.

Open Assignment > ADD > FILE > Upload Files from Computer > Find files > OK > Turn In> Turn In

Ask Mrs. Yelenick to PRINT it for you.

Step 7: Displaying Your Poster

Once you have your image, cut it out nicely, and mount on the black paper provided to be hung up.

Fill out a rubric in your sketchbook and turn it in to Mrs. Yelenick with your poster.

