Book Cover Redesign

Book covers usually give us our first clue of what a book will explore. From a book cover, we can often tell what genre of book, the age level of the reader, the information that the book will discuss, and even what other readers think about the book.

Every book has a front cover, back cover, and a spine. Because they help protect the paper pages of the book, these parts are usually made of have your paper or cardboard. In addition, these parts of the book's cover help readers identify the book as well as persuade potential readers to consider the title.

The Front CoverThe front cover of a book typically feature is the title of the book in a clear and obvious way. The letters usually stand out in some way from the other details that may be included on the cover. Normally, the names of the author and illustrator in smaller size to text than the title.The front cover of a book includes a picture that illustrates any of the following:* one or more characters

* the setting

* a specific event

* an important symbol in the book.

The Back CoverThe back cover of a book can include any information that might interest readers in the book. The example back cover can list the names of the poet whose poems are included in the book, or other books that the author has written for reference. On another book you might find an excerpt from the story, a short summary of the book's contents, or reviews by other readers.

Some books have the illustration from the front cover wrap all the way around the book, so you can see a continuation of this scene from the front of the book extended across the back. Back covers may also include Graphics that highlight important text such as a box that highlights a review. Back covers also sometimes include the book's title, authors, illustrators, and publisher as well. You are likely to see the barcode symbol used for pricing and inventory. The retail price may also be included on the back cover.

The SpineA book spine is the smallest part of the cover, but it is often the most important part. The spine is the first thing that a reader sees when browsing in group of books lined up on a bookshelf or stacked in a pile. The spine typically includes the basic identifying information about the book. The books author, the book's title, the book publishers. Sometimes the spine will also include a small icon or trademark associated with the publisher.


You will be recreating your own book cover of a book you have previously read/heard.

The Art of Cover Design

STEP 1: Review components of a book cover in class; Glue note sheet into your sketchbook.

STEP 2: Pick the book you will be redesigning. Fill out note sheet according to your book choice.

STEP 3: In your sketchbook, use a RULER to draw a rectangle that measures 9in x 6in. This is your full cover.

STEP 4: Using a RULER, draw a 1 inch-wide section 4 inches in from the long edge. You should have 4 inches on either side of your 1 inch spine.

NOTE: Your BACK cover is on the LEFT side. Your FRONT cover is on the RIGHT side.

STEP 5: Draw out your cover recreation with full color. Be sure to include all pieces of necessary information and any writing you plan to include. Have me check your work.

FRONT COVER: Book title, Author, Picture/Illustration, Your Name as illustrator

BACK COVER: Picture/Illustration, More information (summary of 5-11 sentences, 1-2 reviews), Barcode/price, publisher logo

SPINE: Book title, Author, Publisher logo

STEP 6: Write your Summary/synopsis for your back cover by completing the document assigned in Google classroom.

Have the teacher check your work before moving on.

STEP 7: Open Photopea & create a New canvas with dimensions 9in x 6in, titled LastName_BookCover

STEP 8: Utilize your tools to create the same book cover design you had created in your sketchbook.

To show your RULER tool (in order to draw straight lines with the shape tool), press Ctrl R.

STEP 9: Upload your book cover to your website on a new page called: Book Cover

STEP 10: Once finished, upload your JPEG to Google Classroom & fill out a rubric.

STEP 11: PRINT your project to the ARTTECH printer, mount it, and turn in with your rubric.


Nice Work!