Cup Stack Programming

ROBOTS! ... Human Robots? (Demo)


You will be getting split into groups of 3 people (breakout rooms) to try and figure out the code for the image below using the image keys in the assignment in Google Classroom.


  • Up means that the cup automatically goes up as high as it needs to

  • Down means that it automatically goes down until it lands on something

    • The hand automatically returns to cup stack after setting down a cup

  • Forward means the robot moves one step (1/2 cup width) forward

  • Backward means the robot moves one step (1/2 cup width) Backward

    • Note: Students may not use backward at this age unless they want to build the cup stacks in reverse (which is also okay)

  • Programmers are not allowed to talk when the robot is working. This includes blurting out answers or pointing out when the robot has done something wrong

  • Programmers should raise their hand if they see a bug to discuss with their group (be sure to mark your code if/when you see a bug!)


1 person will be the computer (have 6 items to stack, according to the code)

2 people will be programmers (1 to give directions & 1 to check/debug & WRITE THE CODE)

You will have 20 minutes to do this. Afterwards, we will discuss as a class, then each team will submit their Cup Stack Code to Google Classroom

Things to Remember:

*As a computer, you CANNOT do anything other than what the code tells you to do. It will be very difficult to not 'help'!

*As coders, it is important to write out ALL movements!