Types of Graphic Desingers

Given that design touches just about everything, what, exactly are the types of designers out there?

Thinking about careers...

DAY 1:

1. Using THIS LINK, read about the 15 Types of Graphic design and choose TWO that you think are interesting and write them in your sketchbook.

2. Now, do some research about the TWO types of graphic design that you chose. Using Google, answer the following questions in your sketchbook for each:

  • 1. What sort of companies hire this type of graphic designer?
  • 2. What is the typical salary for this type of graphic designer?
  • 3. What sort of specific design skills and PhotoShop skills are helpful for this type of graphic designer?
  • 4. Why does good design matter for this type of graphic designer?
  • 5. Who is this type of graphic designer trying to target as an audience?
  • 6. What is this type of graphic designer trying to say with their work?
  • 7. Why is this type of graphic designer interesting to you?

3. Re-read your notes about the two design types you chose. Circle the one that seems more interesting to you.