Your Name in Pictures

Now that we have collected our alphabets,

you get to make a word of your choice out of them!


Step 1: In your sketchbook, write the word you plan to make

Your word must have at least 5 letters, no more than 10 letters

(more than 10 letters is really hard!)

Underneath your word, write 5-7 reasons why you chose it.

What makes it special to you??

*Your word must represent something important to you, think hard! You will be writing about it at the end!*

Step 2: Open PhotoPea

Step 3: Create a New doc.

Name it: LastName_Word (watever word you're choosing to make; ei. Yelenick_Shark)

Dimensions: 2 inches tall, 1.5 inches wide PER letter

Background: Transparent

Step 4: Pull in all of the letters that make up your word/name

Step 5: Organize the letters in a way that fills the space and so that the letters fit together in a sensible way. No letters are too big or too small, they all "fit" together.

Once you have formatted your doc and checked your spelling, merge the layers: Shift+Ctrl+E

Step 6: Edit your photos to have a THEME (b&w, color pop, etc.)

Black/White: IMAGE > Adjustments > Black and White... Color Overlay: IMAGE > Adjustments > Color Balance...

Color Pop: Lasso out what you want to color > IMAGE > Adjustments > Color Balance...

Step 7: Check your spelling again!

Step 8: Save as a JPEG: File > Save As...> desktop folder >

Format: JPEG > SAVE

Step 9: Create a new page on your website called: Abstract Photo Word

Step 10: Upload your word to the page

Step 11: Create a new Google Doc, and write out a paragraph explaining WHY that word is important to you.What techniques did you use? Why did you choose your word? Write out your reasons. (5-7 sentences, spelling and grammar DO count.)

Step 12: Submit your word and written doc to Google Classroom to be printed

**Once printed**

Step 13: Carefully cut out your word and glue onto black paper in the Photo basket

Step 14: Pick up your rubric from the basket and fill it out

Step 15:Turn in your mounted word and filled out rubric to me


Great Job!