Mousetrap Cars

Essential Questions:

How can you build a compund machine powered by a mousetrap?

How can your design take advantage of the most kinetic energy that the mousetrap can provide?

How would you change your design to minimize friction?

Where is the energy stored in a mousetrap vehicle? 

Career Connections:

Physics teacher

Mechanical Engineer

Vehicle Design Engineer

VOCAB: In your notebooks, write out the following: 

Friction , surface resistance to relative motion, as of a body sliding or rolling. 

Simple Machine ,  A device that only requires the application of a single force to work. 

Compound Machine , A machine consisting of two or more simple machines operating together, as a wheelbarrow consisting of a lever, axle, and wheel. 

Potential Energy  ,  Energy that is the result of relative position or structure instead of motion, as in a compressed spring. 

Kinetic Energy  ,  The energy of a body that results from its motion. 

Mechanical Advantage , the advantage gained by the use of a mechanism in transmitting force

specifically : the ratio of the force that performs the useful work of a machine to the force that is applied to the machine

Newton's 1st Law  ,  An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

Newton's 2nd Law , the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables - the force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.  Acceleration = force/mass

Newton's 3rd Law , For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 


Class Races: What a race can look like

Newton's Laws

How to Build a Mousetrap Car (parts)


Step 1: Class Mousetrap Car Presentation and review building materials.

Step 2: Check with Mrs. Yelenick, & Pair up with your partner of choice. Make sure that you can actually work with this person!

Step 3: As a TEAM, complete the Mousetrap Car Webquest in the Pick Up basket. Use the links in the doc below to follow along and answer questions. Once completed, turn it in to Mrs. Yelenick, then move on to Step 4.

Mousetrap Car Web Quest 2018

Step 4: Review parameters; Consider what you know (previous knowledge) and what needs to be achieved (distance: slow and consistent force).THEN! Research! With your partner, look up various designs online, watch videos, etc. Be sure to write down your sources.

Step 5: Brainstorm & sketch (6cm long) 3 possible ideas (fully formed drawings- top and side views); list all necessary pieces and parts. Think about where the mousetrap will go in/on your design for optimal energy production. Everything must be labeled.

**Everything must be labelled.**

Step 6: Choose your best design. Draw it out on graph paper (supplied by teacher)  to scale (top AND side views) as best as possible. USE RULERS. Everything must be labeled. 

*Notice: All parts line up with the plan and side views.

All materials are clearly listed.

All parts are clearly drawn and identified. *

Step 7: Once the final drawing is done, show it to me for a sign off and to receive your mousetrap and 4 zip ties. 

SAFETY FIRST! Please be careful with the mousetraps.

Step 8: Compile all necessary parts and pieces. 

Step 9: Construct your mousetrap car. This will probably take time outside of class. 

Suggested order: Chassis, Wheels/axles (90* hub), attach lever, attach string (length of chassis + 6 centimeters)

Step 10: Test your car using the "Measuring Speed with Mousetrap Cars" worksheet (on the back of your step sheet). You must test a minimum of 3 times, you can test it more. After each test, assess your car to make it better. Repeat. Graph your results. 

Step 11: Test, redesign, test, redesign! Make sure you keep notes on any changes you make to the design. 

Step 12: Class tests and writing reports: We will be testing in the hallway. Distance will be measured in a straight line from the starting point. Turn in your team step sheet and the "Measuring Speed with Mousetrap Cars" worksheet with your graphed test results.

Step 13: Write your individual reflection for the Mousetrap Cars in Google Classroom.