Letter Photography

Creating a Found Alphabet

A found alphabet is made from looking and seeing something in a different, more intentional way. You will be taking 26 abstract photos that will show the viewer a different way of looking at something to create each letter of the alphabet, then putting it into a presentation for the class.

Check out these Sites for photo examples: The Found Alphabet and Photo Typewriter

Presentation Example video here

You will go on a scavenger hunt and photograph every letter of the alphabet. However, you can't use actual letters. You must find the letters hidden within windows, fences, clothing, trees, furniture and just about any object. You need to use your observational skills and see things in a new light. You will be interpreting the environment around you to find letters of the alphabet.

Lesson Objectives
Strengthen your observational skills.
- Interpret the environment through photography by finding alphabet characters in man made and natural objects.
- Apply the rule of composition SIMPLIFY to find photographs of letters.
- Be aware of the
design principles of positive and negative space; making the letter the focal point of the picture.

Math Items...

Outside nature...

Part of the building...


Step 1: Pick a partner you haven't yet worked with; or you will be working individually.

Step 2: Choose one of you to be "the writer"; if you don't have a partner, you are the writer.

Step 3: Each "writer" needs to get an alphabet sheet from the Digital Photo basket and glue it into their sketchbook.

Step 4: TWIST: As a team, choose your common idea/theme for the photos (all include water, similar texture, leaves in some way, the same color, etc.). Write this at the top of your Alphabet sheet as a reminder.

If you are working alone, you do not need a theme.

Step 5: FIELD TRIP! Start walking around the school looking for areas that you could find each, specific letter. Try to find 3 for each letter- some will always work better than others, and you do not want to have the same letter photo as other teams!! No existing numbers or letters can be used.

Step 6: When you find photos that work for various letters, be sure to write down where it is on the worksheet. Have Mrs. Yelenick check this.

Step 7: Take your photos!!

Step 7: Upload and review ALL the photos on one teammate's computer. Choose the BEST letter photo for each letter (only one per letter!)

Step 8: Open Google and create a new Google Slide document. Your slideshow needs to be interactive! Find a way yo make it so :)

Step 9: Share it with both teammates; you will both need to access it!

Step 10: Create a slide show for the Alphabet! Each letter should have its own slide, and an explanation about where your team got the photo. You need to also include and intro slide. This is a TOTAL: 27 slides

Step 11: Each teammate should create a new page on their website called: "Found Alphabet"

Step 12: Upload your slide presentation:


Step 13: Upload your presentation to Google Classroom.

Found Alphabet Student Example