
Journaling Question: What is a Meme, in your opinion?

Pair Share & Share Out




noun: meme; plural noun: memes

          1. an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

                • a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

VIDEO & Top 10 that have Won the Internet

Class Discussion:

What does a meme LOOK like?

What are the important things to include?

The Meme Cycle:

Step 1: Find your inspiration! What would be funny/important/relevant?

Possible Aspects to Choose for Inspiration: Lifestyle, Morals/Ethics, Social

Step 2: The Meme production! You need an image and a phrase... What will best embody your idea?

Step 3: The posting! Get it into the world by putting it up on your website and any other social media.

Step 4: The breakout!! (Hopefully!) You meme finds such success, much sharing...

Step 5: Once finished, please fill out a rubric and hand in to the teacher.

Due to Google classroom


EXTENSION (for extra credit, only after you have finished your first meme):

Make a meme about life here at Summit Ridge that all students can relate to

Make a meme about Mrs. Yelenick's classroom (stuff I say a lot, ways I talk, what you get to do, etc.)