Audacity Ringtone

Step by step on how to make a ringtone using Audacity!

1. Download Audacity HERE ( )

2. Open Audacity

3. Online, search for a song that you would like to use in Audacity (full version or instrumental only)

4. Download song

5. Drag song file into audacity

6. Using your mouse, highlight about 20 seconds of the song that you want to use for your ringtone. (You will be able to read the length of song piece at the top of the track window.)

7. Zoom into your highlighted view (zoom magnifying glass).

8. Play your selection to make sure it is the section that you want.

9. To trim the song down to your selected length, click: Edit à Trim

10. Play again to check your trimmed selection.

11. File à Export à Export as… MP3

12. Rename your file to NAMEOFSONG_RINGTONE

ex. SunshineOnMyShoulder_Ringtone

13. A locate file box should come up, click YES

14. Log onto your website --> go to your Ringtone/Audacity Page

15. Export it & Upload it to your website in the [ADD FILES] area.

16. To convert to an M4A file go HERE (




1. Simple song clip only

2. Two song clips overlaid with one another (remix)

3. Voice recording with music OR other voice recording (beat boxing AND rapping, etc.)