October 27, 2022-Special Meeting

Gresham School Special Board Meeting

October 27, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes

Present: Joe Ejnik, Jim Hoffman, Ethan Schmidt, Jerrit Lyons, Pat Pleshek, Lanell Thorne, Diana Jensen and Superintendent, Newell Haffner.

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm by President Joe Ejnik.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Approve the Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Lanell, second by Jerrit, voice vote was 7-0 in favor, motion carried.

Public Comments: None

Certification of the 2022-2023 Tax Levy: Motion to certify the 2022-2023 Tax Levy as presented at the Annual Meeting for $1,946,612 (Fund 10) for the purpose of maintaining the school for the 2022-2023 school year, $469,288 for the debt service fund (Fund 39) for the purpose of long-term debt payments, and $46,000 for the community service fund (Fund 80) for community service programs for a total of $2,461,900, was made by Pat, second by Ethan, roll call vote taken, all in favor, motion carried.

Adopt the 2022-2023 Final Budget: Motion to adopt the final 2022-2023 budget as presented at the Annual Meeting was made by Jim, second by Jerrit, roll call vote was taken, all in favor, motion carried.

Health Insurance Update: Finalizations are still in process. More information will be available after a meeting on October 31st.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn was made by Pat, second by Diana, voice vote was 7-0 in favor, motion carried.

Date Approved___________



