August 1, 2022 Minutes

Gresham School Board Meeting

August 1, 2022 Minutes

Present: Joe Ejnik, Pat Pleshek, Ethan Schmidt, Jerrit Lyons and Lanell Thorne. Superintendent - Newell Haffner, Principal - Jessie Hanssen, and Administrative Assistant - Cathy Opperman.

Absent: Jim Hoffman and James Mathews.

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was opened at 6:00pm by President Joe Ejnik.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Approve the Agenda: Motion to amend the agenda (add resignation of Larrisa Cerveny, delete July voucher report) and approve was made by Pat Pleshek, second by Jerrit Lyons, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

Public Comments: None

Consent Agenda

Previous Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the July 18th meeting minutes was made by Lanell Thorne, second by Ethan Schmidt, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

New Hire:

Sheryl Melotik/Speech and Language Pathologist. Motion to approve the hire of Sheryl Melotik/Speech and Language Pathologist was made by Pat Pleshek, second by Ethan Schmidt, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

Cory Bougie/Interim Varsity Soccer Coach. No motion needed.

Resignation: Larissa Cerveny/Kindergarten teacher and JV Volleyball coach. Motion to approve the resignation of Larrisa Cerveny was made by Lanell Thorne, second by Jerrit Lyons, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

Administrative Report by Newell Haffner: Newell reported on the following: $250 donation from Stockbridge-Munsee Tribe for Summer School program, Summer School review, 6th grade orientation, USMC/AVCA Team Academic Award, and School Board vacancy due to resignation..

Consortium Agreement for Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Programming with Cesa 8: Motion to approve the consortium agreement was made by Pat Pleshek, second by Lanell Thorne, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

Meal Prices:

Motion to rescind 2022-2023 meal prices made on 7/18/2022 was made by Pat Pleshek, second by Jim Hoffman (via phone call), all in favor, motion carried. Motion was rescinded due to a change/increase in breakfast prices. See below.


Elementary - .50 / free and reduced .15

High School - .50 / free and reduced .15

Adults - $2.65


Elementary - $2.50 / free and reduced.40

High School - $2.70 / free and reduced .40

Adults - $4.65

New motion made on 8/1/2022 to approve 2022-2023 meal prices as follows was made by Pat Pleshek, second by Jerrit Lyons voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried. These prices include the breakfast increase.


Elementary - $1.00 / free and reduced .15

High School - $1.00 / free and reduced .15

Adults - $2.65


Elementary - $2.50 / free and reduced.40

High School - $2.70 / free and reduced .40

Adults - $4.65

2022-2023 Employee Handbook: Motion to approve the 2022-2023 Employee Handbook was made by Lanell Thorne, second by Ethan Schmidt, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

2022-2023 Gresham Athletic Coaches Handbook: Motion to approve the 2022-2023 Gresham Athletic Coaches Handbook with discussed change (remove ) was made by Ethan Schmidt, second by Pat Pleshek, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

2022-2023 Gresham Substitute Teacher Handbook: Motion to approve the 2022-2023 Gresham Substitute Teacher Handbook was made by Lanell Thorne, second by Jerrit Lyons, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

2022-2023 Elementary Student/Parent Handbook: Motion to approve the 2022-2023 Elementary Student/Parent Handbook was made by Pat Pleshek, second by Lanell Thorne, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

2022-2023 Junior High/Senior High Student/Parent Handbook: Motion to approve the 2022-2023 Junior High/Senior High Student/Parent Handbook was made by Jerrit Lyons, second by Lanell Thorne, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

2022-2023 Early Release Wednesday’s: No discussion took place.

Alternate Open Enrollment Application: None.

School Board Picture: This will be brought back when all members are in attendance.

Future Agenda Items: ALICE training.

Next Board Meeting Date: August 15, 2022 at 6:00pm.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn was made by Ethan Schmidt, second by Jerrit Lyons, voice vote was 5-0 in favor, 2 absent (Jim Hoffman and James Mathews), motion carried.

Date Approved___________



