Access previous year's work

Access an Archived Class

  1. Tap your profile icon in the top left corner and then tap the gear icon.
  2. Tap Account Settings.
  3. Tap Manage Archived Classes. A list of your archived classes will appear. Tap ‘Restore’ to retrieve your class. Once you tap 'Restore', the class will appear on your class list once you tap your profile icon.
  4. Archive the class again!

Don't forget to archive the class again afterwards, otherwise chaos ensues as those students start posting in their old class again!

Access the work of your current students from previous years

You can browse the prior years' portfolios of your new incoming students on the Seesaw website.

To view past years' portfolios:

Sign in as a teacher at

Click on your profile icon (top left).

Click on Schoolwide Portfolios.

You will only have access to your current students’ portfolios.