Use your iSight Camera better...

Yes you can use it as a make shift camcorder my just staring into it, or by positioning it appropriately, but you can also use it as a makeshift video recorder/stand - great for close up demos - no stand/tripod needed:

What's that? Oh, but it's upside down, you say? In QuickTime you can flip it, and trim it, like so:

QuickTime Video Flip


  1. Open the video in QuickTime
  2. Click Edit
  3. Flip Vertical
  4. Close and Save


Likewise to Trim, just choose the Trim option from the menu, close and it will prompt you to save when you're finished. Click here for an illustrated guide.

  1. Open the video in QuickTime
  2. Click Edit
  3. Click Trim....
  4. Move the yellow 'handles'
  5. Close and Save