Student Passwords

Student IDs are made up of the first 5 letters of their surname followed by the numbers of their student ID, eg mchug54321, and our 'secret formula'* bases every students default password on the word 'google', followed by their google[ID number] eg google54321.

Any student or member of staff can easily change their own password by just signing into the college portal, and using the 'Change Password' option.

But teachers have super powers; in CIMS as a member of staff you can override any student's password and change it to anything you need it to be, in the infants school and grade 2 that should be the formula outlined above; but in G3-5 that should be whatever you know the password should be. If you have no idea, then use the formula (or a variation) above as a short term fix, but encourage the student to change it to a more secure password ASAP.

In CIMS look up the student, copy the ID that is displayed, then click on 'Reset Student's Password', enter/copy paste in the student ID then put in the password you want the student to use.

To meet the college minimum requirement the password should be at least 8 characters long, have at least one number, and one capital letter. Ideally it should be a Passphrase, ie a combination of two unrelated words. That doesn't mean it can be something like Passw0rd!

*this formula means that access to student email addresses is necessary for 'hacking' this means that if this happens it is almost definitely a student in the college, as no one outside our domain (including parents) can access student email addresses.