Batch Rename Files, Resize Images & Video

Resize Video

You can resize videos, just by right clicking on it/them, and choosing 'Services > Encode' selected video files

Rename Files

Just right click/two finger tap/control click on selected files and choose the rename option, then choose Format from the drop down menu. Now you can indicate a general filename and the OS will append numbers accordingly; now they can be searched for in future, much better than IMG204156.

Batch Resize Images

Use Preview

Step 1: Select all the images you want to resize.

Step 2: Right/control click on them and select “Open With Preview.”

Step 3: In Preview, go to Edit > Select All.

Step 4: Once all images are selected, go to Tools > Adjust Size.

Step 5: Enter the width or height value to resize your photos to your liking. If you’re only going to resize the width for example, make sure “Scale Proportionally” is selected. This will ensure that your images are proportionally resized.

Step 6: Save and close.

If you do this a lot you might want to set up a a script that adds a resize option to your secondary menu (the one you get when you control-click) by using Automator to create a workflow that you can save as a 'service'. See below:

Advanced Method... Using Automator

Great tip, set this up once, and use it forever!

  1. Open Automator and create a new workflow file (press Command-N or choose New from the File menu). Then choose Service from the window of available workflow types (this option will look like a gear).

  2. Adjust Service inputs - so be sure to choose "files or folders" from the first drop-down menu at the top of the workflow, and then choose Finder from the second menu.

  3. Drag the Rename Finder Items option from the action library (to the left of the window, under the Files & Folders category) to the workflow window. When you do this, Automator will issue a warning that this action will alter existing files, and provide you with an option to add an action to first copy the files instead of altering them. At this point click Don't Add.

  4. I would tweak it here and choose 'Make Sequential' from the drop down menu.

  5. Under options click 'Show his action when the workflow runs" so you have the choice to decide what and how you wish to rename the files.

  6. Save - name it something like 'Rename Files'

  7. Now whenever you go to the Finder, you can select a group of files or folders, and then right-click them and select your workflow from the Services submenu of the contextual menu.

  • Under options click 'Show his action when the workflow runs" so you have the choice to decide what and how you wish to rename the files.

  • Save - name it something like 'Rename Files'

  • Now whenever you go to the Finder, you can select a group of files or folders, and then right-click them and select your workflow from the Services submenu of the contextual menu.