Resize/Encode Video

If you're using a newer iOS device, like an iPad or iPhone, then you are recording high definition video (1080p) which results in MASSIVE files sizes, so a 1 minute video is easily 150MB, confused about sizes? See my post here.

It's a good idea to change the settings on your iPad or iPhone to record video at a lower size.

But what if you already have the video, and it's already huge. Trust me, anything larger than 300MB counts as huge, and will take aaaaaaages for students to upload/encode/stream.

So, some solutions:

You can resize almost any video by just right/control clicking it and choosing 'Encode selected video files' choose 480p or 720p from the menu, and you'll end with a much more reasonable sized video.

Another way is to open them in QuickTime and export them as a smaller video size by choosing File > Export > ... then choose the 720p or 480p option.

If you have a load of video to downsize, you can just select, right click and choose encode this will allow you to 'batch' resize a load of video. I'd choose 480p for online viewing.

Top Tips

This is also a handy top when a video won't play properly (especially for online streaming), just re-encode and you'll find that will fix most issues.

If you upload video to Google Photos, it will all be resized for you...

If you're quickly downloading video just to transfer it somewhere else (like Google Drive to share with kids) from your iPhone iPad, you don't have to use the Photos app, you find it way quicker and easier of you use the Image Capture app instead.

Downsize your iPhone Video Settings

Your nice new shiny iPhone does lots of cool things, one that you may not have noticed is that it records all video in super high definition, which means HUGE file sizes! Take a minute to tweak your phone settings, go to: Settings > Camera > Record Video > 720p is fine...