
Canva Education

We have a Canva Education account. This has lots of useful templates that you can use for your slides and worksheets. Check it out here: 

Canva Image Search tips

Canva has so many images to search from that it can be overwhelming. This video shows a quick tip on how to find more of the images you want. 

Image search

Adding your favourite colour palette to your slide or worksheet

If you have a favourite colour palette and would like to personalize a  template for your class you can do it like this:

Changing the colour

Adding a timer

If you would like a timer on a slide you can add it by pressing a number 1-9 when you are presenting. You can also add music to the timer.

You can find the help page here:

Magic Shortcuts when presenting in Canva

If you want to brighten up a presentation you can press certain letters to show different animations. 

Screen Recording 2023-12-05 at 1.40.04

Image Background Remover

Removing the background from an image could be a bit fiddly. Canva has made it easy! Removing backgrounds makes your images stand out. 

To do it you need to: