Setting up TypingClub

Set up your class

Before your students gets started you just need to decide on some basic preferences:

They need to go the UWCSEA Dover portal NOT the public site:

  1. Teachers sign in with gapps (same as students)
  2. Go to Classes
  3. Your class should appear
  4. Click on Edit class
  5. Check settings, ie:
  • Score kept private to each student (to avoid over competitiveness)
  • Backspace: default to lesson’s behaviour
  • Allow Jumping ahead? (No in G3, maybe in G4 and G5?)
  • Update settings

Set up the pre and post test

Now to set up a test for them to take at the start and at the end:

  1. Go to Typing Tests (left menu)
  2. Add a typing test (you can reuse one you’ve created before but that takes longer)
  3. Edit Options to customise the test
  4. Allow backspace
  5. Update Options
  6. Edit Text (that the kids will have to type) choose grade they are in eg Grade 5
  7. Choose from existing templates.
  8. Update Test’s text

Assign the test to your class

  1. Typing Tests - open up the test you set up above
  2. Click the Students TAB (not side bar)
  3. + Add students from class
  4. Import (23?) Students

You should see a confirmation message...

Later need to reassign test for the post test.


Test should happen twice, start and end to see if there's any progress!

You start off typing gibberish, but fret not, most of the typing you'll be doing will be real words, even if the sentences don't make much sense.

Command R (refresh) to retry when (not if) you mess up right at the start.

Commit to at least 10-15 mins a day, for 3 months. This is all about making your subconscious know the keys without thinking about it, tedious repetition is the only way to do this! But once you've learned it, you've learned it for life.

Much like Maths, there's no point trying to be fast, focus on being accurate, and speed will come naturally and gradually with confidence. Focusing on speed will just stress you out, causing you to make more errors.

Give up (sometimes)! Sometimes your fingers just won't respond to your mind, and you'll find yourself going backwards! This is really frustrating, you just need to take a break, do something else, come back in half an hour and try again.

Checking Progress...

Go into your Class > Typing Jungle > Student Progress

Also have a look at Reports on the top menu bar > Scoreboard

Click on Student Progress to see a useful view - bear in mind the target for competency are lessons 202 - 232 at 20 wpm (the first tasks that require typing with Capital letters and basic punctuation.