Typing on the iPad

In the Infant School in particular, when you are introducing/teaching students typing*, also known as keyboarding, many of the 'helpful' features that are built into the iPad, such as spell check, auto correction, and auto capitalising of letters at the start of sentences are actually very unhelpful, when you need to know that their typed writing looks exactly as the child meant it to be. Then if they have added capitals, and spelled words correctly, you can feel confident that this was intentional on their part, and not just the iPad 'correcting' this for them.

You'll be delighted to learn that there is an easy way to disable these 'helpful' features on the iPad that affects anywhere they type, not just in one app:

Go to Settings, General, scroll down and tap Keyboard—there you will see toggle switches to deactivate and or most likely all of these features.

*typing, not touch-typing, I use the terms 'keyboarding' and 'touch-typing' to distinguish between these. Keyboarding is also known as 'hunting and pecking' teaching the kids the location of keys, and how to change characters, eg to caps, or to use symbols. Touch-typing can only be learned using a physical keyboard, such as that on a laptop computer.