The Importance of a Megabyte

Never be confused again!!

Megabytes are the most common size you'll use, here's a guide:

1 Megabtye (MB) =

  • 1 LARGE image (2000 pixels)

  • 1 page PDF

  • 1 minute of music

  • 1000 pages of text

  • 1 second of video

  • 1 minute to download*

Unless you're using video, you rarely need more than 1 Megabyte, like you rarely need more than one suitcase! Even if you use video, it should really never be more than 1 minute (60MB) for online use.

*Download speed is measured in Megabits per second (Mbps) there are 8 megabits in one megabyte. Our school download speed is FAST (about 100 Mbps), but when it is shared across every student in a classroom, it's more like 5-8 (100/20=5) Mbps per student. So 1MB of data would take about 1 minute to download.