Say NO! to Vertical Video

VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome) caused by vertically recorded video seems to be becoming an epidemic, you can make a difference, just say NO to vertical video.

I frequently encounter video editing catastrophes where students or teachers attempt to successfully edit vertical video, it doesn't go well, generally the only solution is to reshoot the video. Think about it, the most likely situation where your audience will view your video is on a laptop, a desktop computer or or a television—none of these can be rotated to a vertical (portrait) orientation to aid viewing. So it make no sense at all to record video that does not work for the majority of contexts where it will be viewed.

It's important to always hold your smartphone/tablet horizontally (landscape) when recording video.

This hilarious video explains why it's important to always hold your smartphone/tablet horizontally (landscape) when recording video!

Show this to your students!

My Edited Super Clean Child Friendly Version

Shorter, removes references to George Lucas that most kids won't understand...