Embedding Web Content </>

When of the funkiest things about the internet is being able to literally embed a bit of a website into another website, this could be a game, an interactive model, a video, an interactive mindmap or presentation (like Prezi), or something as simple as a PDF document, but with scrolling and zooming functionality.

Even better this technique works in almost any web environment, from a Google Site to a blog, anywhere that support 'HTML' the code that the internet is made of.

It's a little bit 'geeky' but not too bad, this will walk you through it.

To see an example of this in a blog, click here.

Most web based tools not offer an 'embed' option, usually under a heading like 'sharing' once you select that option, they will offer you some embed code that looks a lot like gibberish, it's not it's actually HTML script, and it works a little like web magic.

Once you have copied it, where do you paste the HTML code?

Edit the space you are working in, that will usually be something like a button that says <HTML> button, you'll see the space you're working in transform from WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) to it's TRUE form, post represented as code (well, technically it's script), find the place you want it, make a little space and paste it in. This is called embedding, </> and it's really useful for loads of things, any web tool that provides embed code, this is how you use it, here's an example, in blogger:


Google Site

Embed a Google Slide Deck

Here's an example of embed code from a Google Slide deck, you need to make sure the slides have the appropriate share settings, and then click Publish to the web to access the Embed code: