Explain Everything with Google Drive

Using Explain Everything with Google Drive on the iPad is an incredible combination. It's not always a great idea to ask students to work from blank screens, it's often useful to give them all a head start by setting up a slide or two for them.

This way they focus on the learning intention, rather than wasting time faffing about with finding the right image, or typing in text that you've just written on the board.


  1. On your iPad in Explain Everything, set up the slides you want your class to start with.

  2. When it's ready, export the project to your Google Drive as a project (not as a video), it will be a .explain file.

  3. You should be able to save it straight into any folder in your Google Drive, like a folder you've already shared with your class.*

  4. Now you can just ask your students to open the file in their Google Drive app, when they do, they'll have the choice to open it with an app, they choose Explain Everything,

  5. That's it, now they have their own copy in Explain Everything, ready to learn.

The workflow for students when opening the link to the project in Google Drive is as follows, bear in mind that will you see will differ depending on the iPad you are using, the current version of iOS/the version of Explain Everything:

*It doesn't have to go in a folder, if you want you can just share the project file directly with the class, just as you would any other file/Google doc.

If you share the link to the file via Seesaw, you will need to ask them to tap the three dots and open it in Safari in order to be able to proceed.