
Post date: Oct 25, 2016 12:8:7 PM

DO NOW: Journal + Turn & Talk

Use the Scriptwriting Journal to plan for your writing today.

Keep your Journal tab open.

STUDIO TIME: You should be finished with descriptions for...

-Beginning Stasis

-Inciting Incident

-Dramatic Conflict

-Rising Action

...and you should be starting your actual script, if you haven't already.

MID-POINT CHECK: At 9:35, return to your journal to reflect for the midpoint.

Enter your responses, but turn and talk as well.

STUDIO TIME: Continue Writing.

It's important to make progress today; you will be workshopping again on Thursday.

TICKET OUT: At 9:53, return to your journal again to finish your reflection.

Show me your completed journal on the way out the door.