Post date: Feb 06, 2020 5:11:31 PM
TODAY'S GOAL: Identify thoughts to capture during playtesting sessions.
DO NOW: Continuum
Arrange yourselves into a single file line regarding this question:
How much do you enjoy playing "party games" with friends?
(Party games are usually played with teams, and involve action or discussion, often with decisions based on opinion. Examples include: Pictionary, Apples to Apples / CAH, Cranium, Codenames. Headbanz, etc.)
You will have to talk with each other and make decisions about who likes party games most, least, and everywhere in between.
PLAYTEST: Mike will give everyone a note sheet for playtesting.
This sheet provides prompts for the notes you would want to take for feedback on your games (and other games).
We will use the playtest sheets each week when we try new games.
Today's Game: Wavelength
Played in teams, which Mike will assign.
TICKET OUT: Turn in your playtest notes.