Post date: Feb 20, 2020 6:14:5 PM
TODAY'S GOAL: Describe the merits of story in game design.
(CST3: I can use game design vocabulary to critically discuss games.)
DO NOW: "Four" Corners
Read the 6 game stories around the room.
Sit at the story that you would be most interested in playing.
Turn and talk with others about why you chose that one, and be prepared to explain your answer.
"FOUR" CORNERS: Move to the story you are least interested in playing.
ASSIGNMENT: Next week you will start designing your own game.
Do you think it would be easier to start from the Mechanics or from the Story?
GAMEPLAY: Menu of Mechanics
What mechanics are part of Werewolf? What are the things you can do?
What's more important in Werewolf? Story or Mechanics?