2021, 02-25
Post date: Feb 25, 2021 2:56:52 PM
Do Now: Get Organized!
Open ELA Packet.
Open Research | Weekly Log.
Go Around: What is a guiding question you are seeking to answer today?
Studio Time: Identify a question, and continue your research. Keep citing sources on EasyBib. Keep annotating.
Ticket Out: Check In
Habits of Work Check… If you had to rate your Habits of Work during today’s studio time [using our grading scale], what would you give yourself and why?
Remember the Friday, March 5 deadline for Addie… 5 ANNOTATED SOURCES
Ticket Out: Share a new fact that will blow my mind and who did you learn it from?
Landon: I am annotating sources? --> None today.
Camryn: I am annotating sources? --> working on first one.
Dakota: ab
Caesar: I am annotating sources? --> 1 today
Payton: ab
Autumn: How does the abridging process work?
Wesley: Can I find a professional model that is not a YouTube video? --> nope.
Marie: What are the signs and symptoms of OCD? --> unwanted, repetitive thoughts
Lili: I'm finishing "walk the group" script, and starting the next? --> done.
Edmond: What makes a script "good?" -->
Damian: ab
Alex: I am annotating sources? --> 3
Victor: I am annotating sources? --> 2
Kesli: How do tigers raise their young? --> found information on size, weight, etc.
Lilly: Should I talk to Mike about Creation Phase?
Vanessa: ab
Melissa: What are easy recipes to make when you're lazy? --> pasta americana is one