2021, 04-12

Post date: Apr 12, 2021 12:52:48 PM

Do Now: Check your To-Do List Calendar. What did you plan for today?

    • Share your goal / focus for studio time. Gather the materials needed to make your studio time successful.

    • Are you on track so far?

Studio Time: Work and conference (if you're on the schedule for today).

Weekly Conferencing Schedule (starting after break)


8:00 - Lili: Sort through videos. Label videos. x2

8:20 - Lilly: Adjust timeline for watercolor. Find paper.

8:40 - Wesley: Revise introduction. Add conclusion.


8:00 - Camryn: Continue with slideshow (10+ slides?)

8:20 - Marie & Payton: Notes for slides & Meet w/partner, write.

8:40 - Damian: Add color to second plate.


8:00 - Victor: Puzzle dependency chart. Second puzzle series.

8:20 - Caesar: ab

8:40 - Dakota: ab


8:00 - Autumn: Conference and Restart script. Jk, work on next scene.

8:20 - Kesli: Work on slideshow.

8:40 - Landon: Conclusion, and start script.


8:00 - Alex Moon: Adding details to ideas.

I'd like mine to be lighthearted, and connected to the real world. I'd like to start with a poster, with pull tabs. Next step is to develop characters. Assignment in Classroom.

8:20 - Edmond: Focusing on second half of project idea.

Currently writing down ideas for 3-5 commercials. Creating a pitch for advertising campaign. I want each commercial to represent a different take on the character. The hardest part of this has been working on an animated advertisement. I'm going to jettison that in favor of the live commercials, because it will have more impact for the time it requires. I really like my idea; I'm not losing interest.

8:40 - Melissa: Ingredients list.