2021, 02-02

Post date: Feb 02, 2021 12:50:59 AM

DO NOW: Turn your chair around to face the east side of the classroom (costumes).

QUICK JOT: Write down at least one new character type.

Describe how this character…

    1. Stands.

    2. Moves/walks.

    3. Speaks (what does their voice sound like?)

    4. And what is their normal facial expression/emotion?


I still want you to think about narrative structure, but think about “getting into character” as well today.

The four parts of the Quick Jot are physical methods of getting into character. We will eventually work more on internal methods of getting into character.


-One volunteer is the “novelist” who is writing a story, narrating it aloud.

-3 actors portray the characters in the scene, acting out whatever the novelist narrates.

-Before starting, get three character suggestions from the audience. These are the characters that will be in the scene.

After characters are selected, provide physical direction as well. ←

Tips for the narrator:

-Introduce the first two characters, and work your way up to the conflict (goals vs. obstacles).

-One of these characters wants something, but can’t get it. The second character might provide an obstacle, or they might be ineffective in helping.

-After the characters have failed to achieve the goal, introduce the third character. This character can often provide a solution to the conflict.

-Once the conflict is solved, end the scene. The audience anticipates resolution, and becomes disinterested when characters are not working towards a solution anymore.

Play at least more three rounds today!

TICKET OUT: On Google Classroom, reflect on character choices that you made.