
Post date: Mar 15, 2018 12:39:16 PM

[Learning Goal --> Identify newsworthy stories from your world.]

DO NOW: Turn & Talk

Get your Word/Phrase/Sentence from Mike, and discuss with the person sitting next to you.

NPR: Coming Up With a Story


How does NPR recommend coming up with ideas?

  • Observe the world around you

  • Watch for changes

  • Be curious

  • Don't be told what to think; come up with your own ideas

  • Take note of ideas

  • Read! (newspapers, magazines, etc)

How do you come up with ideas?

  • Think time in a quiet, solitary place (like the shower, or the bus)

  • Talk to others

  • Listen to others' ideas and turn them into your own

  • Dreeeeeeams


Count off for partners.

With your partner, write down at least ten stories in your life that are newsworthy.


Which ideas are most interesting to you?