
Post date: Feb 03, 2020 6:2:50 PM

TODAY'S GOAL: What makes a game fun?

DO NOW: Draw a card. The person in your group that has a card matching Mike's is the playtester for your group.

The playtester will stay with your game and explain it to the other team, while everyone else goes to play the other game.

Make sure that your playtester is ready to explain it.

PLAY TEST: What is playtesting, and why do we do it?

Playtest each others' games.

WARM/COOL FEEDBACK: Identify what you do and don't like about the games today.

Your notes will be turned in, and entered into Skyward as a baseline for your current ability to discuss games.


On Fridays, we will have open gaming to explore different game mechanics.

No notes are expected today, but they will be in the future.