2020, 11-13

Post date: Nov 16, 2020 5:39:54 PM

LEARNING GOAL: Use feedback for project development.

DO NOW: Prepare For Feedback

Select something from your Music Video development to share.

Options include:


-Story notes (pre-production document)



-Song Selection (this is the bare minimum, but you should have more to share by now)



1. Share evidence of progress (screen share, or turn camera on to show)

2. Describe what you are showing.

3. Explain what you will do next in order to complete the Music Video.


1. What is one thing that you like about this work, and explain why you like it.

2. What is one thing they could do to improve the final Music Video.

3. Put an answer to both questions above in the chat window.

Mr. Hanlon:

1. Read feedback aloud after it is submitted.

STUDIO TIME: Return by 3:25

Continue work on Music Video.

These will need to be complete by next week Friday.


Share your progress in the chat window