2021, 02-18

Post date: Feb 18, 2021 1:24:55 PM

DO NOW: Monologues

I want to see monologues from Ashleigh and Lilly!


What makes a script "bad?"

Discuss as a class.

-Unintentional poor grammar.

-The plot is rushed. Everything happens too fast.

-Pointless dialogue.

-Cheesy moments.


-Interactions between characters don't go anywhere.

-Short dialogue.

-There's no rising action.

-Dialogue doesn't sound natural.

-Dialogue is random. Doesn't fit.

-It's repetitive for no reason.

-There are no highs or lows. Everything is dull and monotone.

-Characters randomly appear or disappear.

-There are no stage directions.

-The dialogue doesn't connect with the characters' personalities.

-Characters aren't developed. They don't change to the situation.

-Characters are inconsistent. They change for no reason.

-There is no conflict. Nothing happens.

10 MINUTES OF WRITING: Write something BAD.

See the criteria above, and write a bad script.

FEEDBACK: Digitally pass your script clockwise.

5 minutes to read the script that came to you. Take notes about why it's bad. (Don't worry, you won't hurt anyone's feelings. These are supposed to be bad.)

Identify at least one thing that is good.

STUDIO TIME: Revise & Write

Write and revise the script that was passed to you.