JJIB Use of Athletic Fields - Interscholastic Sports



The School Committee is committed to offering and maintaining properly controlled and well organized sports programs on the varsity, junior varsity and sub-varsity levels. To meet this commitment the Committee recognizes that outdoor athletic fields and facilities must be made available to teams in a manner that meets the requirements of equity and the needs of the teams.

During the competitive season:

  1. Each team will be assigned an appropriate practice field and will be scheduled on an appropriate field for games.

  2. Varsity teams will take precedence in field assignments for practices and scheduled games.

  3. The Arthur I. Hurd Memorial Field will be utilized primarily by the varsity field hockey, football and soccer teams. Other fields may be utilized for these varsity teams as the need arises.

  4. Junior varsity and freshmen football games may be played on Hurd Field

  5. Scheduling the use of athletic fields is the responsibility of the Athletic Director.

First Reading 6/14/94 ADOPTED: 7/12/94

Reviewed: 1/15/19