AD Vision and Mission Statement



AWRSD Vision Statement

The Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District prepares all students to be contributing citizens of local and global societies in an ever-changing world.

AWRSD Mission Statement

At Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District, we focus on doing what is best for students to meet their academic and social-emotional needs to thrive in a global society through:

  • academically challenging curriculum;

  • community and civic engagement;

  • continuous, responsible use of all resources and evolving technology;

  • high quality, ongoing, focused professional development for staff;

  • real world applications;

  • reflection for continuous improvement;

  • research based and data driven instructional practices;

  • resilient, solution-based mindsets; and

  • student input and ownership.

First Reading: waived Second Reading: waived ADOPTED: 4/29/14 Revised & Readopted: 10/18/16