IJNDB-R1 Acceptable Use Procedures for Parents / SIS Access


Acceptable Use Procedures for Parents / SIS Access

Access to your child’s biographical information, attendance, discipline and grades via MMS Generations is being provided to parents as a means of communication with teachers and administration. Please read the following guidelines regarding this access:


1. You must adhere to the following protocol in the order listed for concerns regarding your child’s grades:

a. Speak to your child first.

b. Have your child speak to his/her teacher for clarification.

c. Parent/Guardian may send one email or call the teacher and expect a response in a timely manner.

2. Even though you are able to check grades 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, teachers will be expected to update their gradebooks in accordance with school handbooks.

3. Access to the MMS Generations system is provided only as an educational support for parents and students. The information provided via the MMS Generations parent portal is not an official record. For official records, parents should contact the child’s school/guidance counselor.

4. Usernames and passwords are to be kept confidential. The district accepts no responsibility in the event that a username or password is shared, given, stolen or, in any other way, becomes the possession of another party. It is recommended that passwords are not shared with your child; student logins can be set up by the parent if student access is desired.

5. Parent access to MMS Generations will be monitored. Logs list the date and time of login and the duration of login.


1. I understand that the school district is providing this access as a privilege, and if abused this access may be suspended or revoked.

2. I understand that the school district is not liable for any damages to personal equipment incurred when connected to the parent portal.

3. In consideration of using the Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District network and having access to my student’s grades and attendance, I hereby release the Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District from any claims and damages from my use of the system.

Updated: 5/2/13