School Improvement Plan / Educational Goals


School Improvement Plan / Educational Goals

The principals, in consultation with school councils, shall adopt educational goals for the school councils, shall adopt educational goals for the schools and shall formulate a school improvement plan to advance such goals. The school's educational goals must include the student performance standard adopted by the Massachusetts Board of Education and, consistent with any educational policies established for the district, shall assess the needs of the school in light of these goals.

The school improvement plan shall address the system-wide goals/vision adopted by the School Committee each year. The plan shall include an assessment of the impact of class size on student performance, and shall consider student to teacher ratios and other factors and supportive adult resources, and may include a scheduled plan for reducing class size.

The plan shall address professional development funds in the annual school budget, the enhancement of parental involvement in the life of the school, safety and discipline, the establishment of a welcoming school environment characterized by tolerance and respect for all groups, extracurricular activities, the development of means for meeting the diverse learning needs of as many children as possible, including children with special needs currently assigned to separate programs, within the regular education programs at the school, and such further subjects as the principal, in consultation with the school council, shall consider appropriate.

Each school improvement plan shall be submitted to the School Committee for review and approval every year. If said school improvement plan is not reviewed by the School Committee within thirty days of said school committee receiving said school improvement plan, the plan shall be deemed to have been approved.