DB-R Budget - Apportionment of Expenses


Budget - Apportionment of Expenses

Annually the School Committee will request the following warrant article which the towns shall vote to annually adopt:


The Town votes to adopt MGL Chapter 71, Section 16B to permit the Regional School District to apportion all of its costs in accordance with the School District’s Regional Agreement.

“The members of a regional school district may elect to reallocate the sum of their required local contributions to the district in accordance with the regional agreement; provided, however, that the total sum of their required contributions shall not be decreased. Election shall be by approval of all members of the district. Approval of each member be given by majority vote at an annual or special town meeting. The commissioner of education shall be notified upon the adoption of this section by the district. Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the calculation of the members’ required local contributions for any succeeding year as provided by Chapter 70 of the General Law.”

LEGAL REF: M.G.L. 71:16B

First Reading: 02/15/06 Second Reading: 02/28/06 ADOPTED: 03/14/06