JIC Student Conduct



The Massachusetts General Laws require the School Committee to adopt written policies, rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, which may relate to study, discipline, conduct, safety and welfare of all students, or any classification thereof, enrolled in the public schools of the District.

The implementation of the general rules of conduct is the responsibility of the Principal and the professional staff of the building. In order to do this, each school staff in the District shall develop specific rules not inconsistent with the law nor in conflict with School Committee policy. These building rules shall be an extension of the District policies by being more specific as they relate to the individual schools and shall be published in the respective student handbook for each of the District’s Schools.

The purpose of disciplinary action is to restore acceptable behavior. When disciplinary action is necessary, it shall be administered with fairness and shall relate to the individual needs and the individual circumstances.

Students violating any of the policies on student conduct and control will be subject to disciplinary action as delineated in the student handbook of their particular school or as dictated by District policy. The degree, frequency, and circumstances surrounding each incident shall determine the method used in enforcing these policies. Most of the situations which require disciplinary action can be resolved within the confines of the classroom or as they occur by reasonable but firm reprimand, and/or by teacher conferences with the student and/or parents or guardians.

Any of the following actions may subject a student to disciplinary measures including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion under the terms of AWRSD policy JK Student Discipline:

  1. Found on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon or a controlled substance.

  2. Who assaults a Principal, Assistant Principal, teacher, teacher's aide or other educational staff member on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related event including athletic games.

  3. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to school property; or stealing or attempting to steal school property.

  4. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to private property; stealing or attempting to steal private property.

  5. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury to another person except in self-defense.

  6. Using or copying the academic work of another and presenting it as his/her own without proper attribution.

  7. Repeatedly and intentionally defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, or administrators.

If a situation should arise in which there is no applicable written policy or student handbook regulation, the staff member shall be expected to exercise reasonable and professional judgment.

SOURCE: MASC October 2014

LEGAL REFS: M.G.L. 71:37H; 71:37H ½; 71:37H ¾; 71:37L; 76:16; 76:17;

603 CMR53.00

CROSS REF: JK Student Discipline

First Reading: 11/1/16 Second Reading: 11/15/16 Adopted: 12/6/16