Appointed Committee Officials - Treasurer



The School Committee shall annually elect a Treasurer who is not a member of the School Committee or a current employee of the District and further shall not have a financial interest in or be a current employee of any organization under regular or continuing contract to the District. Such election shall occur at the Committee’s annual organization meeting or any other meeting set by the Committee.

Job Description


Treasurer, Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School District


Degree in accounting or other comparable experience

Experience in all aspects of school finance

Computer skills in spreadsheet and database


The Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School Committee


To provide supervision of all receipts and investments, such that:

a. all receipts are appropriately invested;

b. all payments are timely and accurate; and,

c. all reports to the School Committee are timely and accurate.


  1. Gives bond for the faithful performance of specified duties in such amount(s) as prescribed by state law. The premium on such bond(s) to be paid for by the School Committee;

  2. Responsible for all monies received and disbursed by the District including site based funds in conformance with District policy and state and federal laws;

  3. Oversees disbursements of all monies;

  4. In consultation with the Investment Subcommittee manages investments of excess available funds for optimum return for the District;

  5. Reconciliation of cashbook to the general ledger;

  6. Provides cash flow projections for borrowing needs;

  7. Reviews and recommends approval of all warrants;

  8. Provides financial consultation to the District and the Superintendent as necessary;

  9. Prepares and distributes the assessment letters;

  10. Reviews and approves all external financial reports, including, but not limited to, quarterly cash and payroll returns in conformance with school policy and state and federal laws;

  11. Participates in annual audit exit conference; presents and reviews the audit with the School Committee; comments on findings in Management Letter; and presents a corrective action plan where applicable;

  12. Assists the Director of Finance and Business Operations in preparation of reports and

  13. Performs all other duties required by the School Committee.


Annually by vote of the School Committee


By vote of the School Committee.


Annually by the Investment Sub-Committee prior to April 1.

LEGAL REFS: MGL Ch 71 §16a

Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School Agreement §I(B)

AWRSD Bylaws §2.3.6

CROSS REFS: DIBA Gift and Trust Fund Management

DGA Authorized Signatures - Fund Disbursements and Deposits

First Reading: 5/26/15 Second Reading: 6/9/15 Adopted: 06/23/15. Reviewed: 2/2/21