GBK-E Grievance Procedure for Civil Rights (also JJI-E)


Also JJI-E

Grievance Procedure for Civil Rights


Office of the Superintendent

11 Oakmont Drive 978-827-1434

Ashburnham, MA 01430 fax 978-827-5969


If you believe your civil rights have been violated, you may file a formal complaint with the district’s compliance officers.

Jeffrey Lizotte Nathaniel North Kathy Taylor

Oakmont Regional High School Briggs Elementary School Westminster Elementary

9 Oakmont Drive 96 Williams Road 9 Academy Hill Road

Ashburnham, MA 01430 Ashburnham, MA 01430 Westminster, MA 01473

978-827-5907 978-827-5750 978-874-7312

Because the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School Committee takes civil rights violations seriously, we will respond promptly to complaints of this nature and where it is determined that such inappropriate conduct has occurred, we will act promptly to eliminate the conduct and impose such corrective action as is necessary, including disciplinary action where appropriate.

Complaint Procedure:

1. Any member of the school community who believes that he/she has had their civil rights violated will report the incident(s) to the compliance officer. All complaints shall be investigated promptly and resolved as soon as possible.

2. The compliance officer will attempt to resolve the problem in an informal manner through the following process:

a. The compliance officer will confer with the charging party in order to obtain a clear understanding of that party’s statement of the facts, and may interview any witnesses.

b. The compliance officer will then attempt to meet with the charged party in order to obtain his/her response to the complaint.

c. After gathering the facts from both parties the compliance officer will have ten (10) days to issue a written statement to both parties.

d. On the basis of the compliance officer’s perception of the situation he/she may:

· Attempt to resolve the matter informally through reconciliation.

· Report the incident and transfer the record to the Superintendent or his/her designee, and so notify the parties by certified mail.

3. After reviewing the record made by the compliance officer, the Superintendent or designee may attempt to gather any more evidence necessary to decide the case, and thereafter impose any sanctions deemed appropriate, including a recommendation to the committee for termination or expulsion. At this stage of the proceedings the parties may present witnesses and other evidence, and may also be represented. The parties, to the extent permissible by law, shall be informed of the disposition of the complaint. All matters involving civil rights complaints will remain confidential to the extent possible. If it is determined that inappropriate conduct has occurred, we will act promptly to eliminate the offending conduct.

4. The compliance officer, upon request, will provide the charging party with government agencies that handle civil rights matters.