EDC Use of District Materials and Resources (also GBEG)




A. Purpose:

All instructional equipment, materials, supplies and other resources (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Resource”) purchased by the District are intended to serve one fundamental purpose – to support the quality student oriented teaching activities of the District. To that end personal use of any District Resource is not allowed.

The intent of the definition of “Resource” is to apply to items of significant value and those items which are not normally removed from their customary location in a district facility.

    • It is recognized that from time to time it is advantageous both to the District and the employee’s productivity to allow use of District resources by staff outside of normal work hours and at home or otherwise away from District facilities.

    • There may be occasions when use of District Resources outside of the normal school day or away from District facilities by students in support of their studies or extracurricular activities is recommended.

    • In addition, the School Committee wishes to be of assistance, whenever possible, to other town departments and community organizations.

B. Authority:

    • District Administrators directly responsible for the distribution and/or maintenance of such resources, if deemed beneficial to the goals of the District, may allow staff or students to have “on loan” such resources.

    • In cases where such resources do not have a specific resource responsible Administrator the staff member’s Supervisor or the Student’s instructor and/or Principal may approve resource loans.

    • Permission to use district resources by town departments and community organizations may be granted by the Superintendent upon request by responsible parties or organizations.

The administrators/supervisors/instructor/Superintendent identified above shall be referred to as Resource Authority in any regulations developed in support of this policy.

C. Accountability

A log of all loans shall be kept and made readily available to the Principals, Superintendent and Chair (or designee) of the School Committee.

If the resource involves an item classified as capital equipment and the loan term is more than 1 week the District Inventory record for that item should have an entry indicating the loan status.

D. Miscellaneous

Generic Official Loan Forms developed by the Resource Authority should be submitted for inclusion as Exhibits to this policy. This does not preclude any individual loan form from setting forth a modified set of conditions.

Use of intangible resources (e.g. use of District Software license on a computer owned by a staff member) should involve accountability procedures and conditions similar to those delineated above and in regulations.

The Superintendent shall be responsible for implementation of this policy and development of appropriate regulations which protect the District’s financial interest.

Regulation: EDC-R Use of District Materials and Resources Regulations

First Reading: 11/03/15 Second Reading: 11/17/15 ADOPTED: 12/01/15