EEAG Student Transportation in Private Vehicles



School buses will be used for the transportation of students participating in co-curricular or extracurricular activities. However, when buses are not available, private vehicles may be permitted to transport students to or from school activities that fall within the academic day or extend the school day provided all of the following conditions are met:

1. The activity has the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.

2. The owner of the vehicle being used in transporting students must file evidence with the Superintendent of personal liability insurance coverage on the vehicle in the amounts of $100,000 - $300,000 or more.

3. Drivers must possess a valid driver’s license, and vehicles must be registered, insured, and inspected.

4. The parents/guardians of students to be transported in this manner will be fully informed as to the means of transportation and will sign a statement to this effect.

Unless a school bus is provided to transport students to school-sponsored activities and athletic competitions that do not fall within the academic day or extend the school day, students are expected to find their own means of transportation to and from these activities.

Nothing in this policy precludes parents/guardians or the student from utilizing their own vehicle, not subject to the above, if district provided transportation is not available.


First Reading: waived Second Reading: Waived ADOPTED: 09/10/19