Non Playing Character Sheets

In this section of L'Argonauta, you will find a couple of sheets designed to generate your own Twilight:2000 NPCs. Basically they a simplified version of our Playing Character Sheet where the Refeere can annotate the basic parameters needed in his/her roleplaying sessions, following the game mechanics introduced in the version 2.2 of the game. In this site, we will use these same sheets in our "ready to use" NPC Twilight:2000 section, and to describe any NPC involved in our adventures or campaigns.

Non Playing Character Sheets

Two versions. The Individual NPC Sheet and the Collective NPC Sheeet

Using the "automatic" NPC Sheet (Individual or Collective)

Take into account The Combat Level of the NPC is used only as a guide. In the sheet each of the Assets and each of the Characteristics can be edited in the way the referee fins more suitable por the NPC he/she has in mind:

  • By selecting the Level (Combat) in the appropiate field, Strenght, Constitution, Agility, Initiative and Thrown Range will be generated. By choosing the Gender, weight will also be generated, based in Strenght, Agility and the selected Gender. All these following v2.2 set of rules. Once the Combat Level has been selected you can edit any Characteristic you want to adjust. All the derived values will be changed automatically. Take into account that you will erase the formulae that ties the Characteristic to the Combat Level if you have modified this Characteristic by hand. This is not a problem. Just remember to save an unmodified version of the file when you decide to begin generating a new set of NPC and not to depart from a modified one.

  • The weaponry can be selected in the appropiate fields (Weapon cells in the Weapon Data table). All the other cells related to the selected weapon (ROF, Mag...) will be filled automatically. Weapons with different fire modes (machineguns with or without bipod, shotguns using slug or buckshot rounds, etc.) must be selected separately, one row for each modality. All the small arms, melee weapons, hand grenades, grenade launchers, rocket launchers and mortars are included, all to them selectable through a deployable list (in alphabetical order).

  • The skills can be selected through a deployable list (in alphabetical order) in the Assets table at the center of the sheet. All the v2.2 skills are present and each skill name is followed by their main characteristic (Stealth AGI). For practicity, all languages have been positioned at the end of the list (in alphabetical order).

  • The cell Unarmed Combat Damage (Unarmed CD in the sheet) is filled out automatically taking into account the Strenght and the Unarmed Marial Arts level of the NPC. So, the Unarmed Combat Damage will not be assigned automatically following the Combat Level of the NPC.

  • The sheets are protected without password to avoid overwritting by accident the cells containing formulaes. Just select the option Unprotect Sheet in your Excel to edit those cells in case you need it. Some cells with formulaes are deliberately unprotected, like the Characteristics, in order to allow adjustments beoyond the standars marked by the Combat Level. In this way you can choose a Combat Level for the NPC and then adjust the Characteristics up and down.

  • Anyway, it's easier to use them than to explain how they work. Just donwload and play with them!

Here you will find two different sheets. The first one, called Collective NPC Sheet, is designed to represent either a single, non detailed NPC or a group up to eight individuals. If you think you don't need too much detail with a single NPC or you are designing a NPC group who share similar characteristics, skills and equipment, this is your choice. You will find it suitable for an infantry squad or a caravan, for example. As each page contains three sheets, you can use a single page to generate a sheet for the leader, a sheet for the infantry squad, etc. At the end of each sheet there are spaces available to write down the ammunition and health status of each NPC, his/her current initiative modifier, and a small box for an identification code. If a fusilier in the squad is noted as F2, you can use this same code in your whiteboard or whatever means you use to represent PC and NPC positions when in combat.

Both versions occupy a single DINA4 page with three sheets per page. And you can select three possible downloads per version:

    1. .Pdf file to be filled out manually

    2. Excel file without automated fields to be filled out with your computer.

    3. Excel file with automatic fields. This last version could be the most useful, and deserves some explanations (right column).

The Excel downloads include the needed fonts to see the sheets as they can be viewed in the image below.

The second sheet, called Individual NPC Sheet, is intended to be used to represent a single, important NPC. In this sheet you wild find the normal health status grid used for Playing Characters in v2.2. In a few words, this sheet is for the NPCs that deserve more detail and the same hit capacity of a playing character. They could be important contacts, remarkable enemies... As with the Collective NPC Sheet above, there are three available sheets in a single page.

In both sheets the referee will find spaces to write down short notes about whatever could be important. It could be special equipment, personality, motivations, etc.