
To me, when I taught, my students were my family. My teaching style was devotional in nature and made me open the chambers of my soul (which I called SOMDEland). As I have been thinking about my life journey, I have been interested in the concept of ocean overturning, where there is an exchange between the deep layers of the ocean and the surface. This allows for circulation of nutrients. In that same way, I don't want my history to become stratified and layered, instead I want to take ideas, connections and nutrients from my past to create collaborations in my present. One of my dreams is to create collaborations with my former students. In this page, I will collect examples of this.

If you are a former student, totally reach out, I am always open to collaborations. Even if you are not a former student but want to collaborate, definitely reach out.

Art and Fashion Collaborative

I taught Patrick physics and then lost contact. 10 years later, a mutual friend, Aneil, discovered that Patrick and I knew each other. We reconnected at this beautiful art exhibit that Patrick had organized.

After that, Patrick invited me to participate in a fashion show, where I was able to show off my clothing art.

A few months later, I had to go travelling and needed to leave my 2 pet rats with a loving family. Patrick and Samela both agreed to take care of them. One or two days before I left, Her Royal Majesty Queen Herpes the Third fell sick. Sadly by the time I returned, she passed away. To honor Her Royal Majesty Queen Herpes the Third, I held a collaborative funeral.

Human Augmentation Group Collaboration

Almost 10 years after I left teaching at WHS, in collaboration with Marisa Maddox (a WHS bio teacher) we created a research based course. This was a dream come true because we had been incubating this idea over the 10 years. In this course I met Aman and with him and several Brandeis undergrads,we created the Technology Research Interdisciplinary Group. In this group we socialize, we dream, we develop skills and projects around the topic of human augmentation.

Educational Outreach Collaboration

I did not teach William and Sean at WHS, however they were part of my WHS-Brandeis Summer Research Program where I did teach 2 informal courses that I designed for the students. A few years later, both of them were Brandeis undergrads and they helped develop a portion of the environmental/biology module in the research course that I taught with Marisa Maddox.

Human Augmentation Party Collaboration

Years after I taught Garin, he attended my Human Augmentation party/ceremony. All of my ceremonies are designed with collaboration in mind and by participating he shared some deep thoughts on the relationship between Humans and Technology.

American Identity Collaboration

I taught Damiana when I was a biology TA at Brandeis. A few years after that, I held an event to explore American Identity and she provided many deep insights.

Music Collaboration 1

This collaboration I did while I was still a high school teacher and in it John, Bobby and I sing a holiday song for the Waltham channel.

Music Collaboration 2

Many years after I left WHS, I randomly met Delana while riding on the train when coming back from a conference. Later, we did an impromptu jam session with Gabe B. If you click on this link, you can listen to song #6.