
[Rough Draft]

In this section I will describe my journey through romance.

In the Pre-Romance section I will share the following things:

  • In the Introduction I explain why I did not date for 39 years and then why I decided to start the journey.

  • In the Interview section, I share a list of questions that I asked people to gain wisdom and then a summary of their responses.

  • In the Literature section, I share some knowledge on Tantric Philosophy that I learned from reading a book and some mathematical ideas on romantic relationships.

In the Hilary-Era section I will share my First Date Ceremony that took 1 month to plan and prepare (over video conference call) and lasted for 3 days. This was with Hilary who was my romantic collaborator and currently my life long friend and collaborator. I will add content to this sometime in the future.

In the Elizabeth-Era section, I will share my journey with my former girlfriend who now is my life long friend. This includes clothing that she made for me, a technique of massaging that I developed to devotionally honor her, and 3 ceremonies that we did.