HairComingDown/Onion Daughter

In the summer (8/8/2020) I had my rebirth ceremony where I germinated new ideas that will slowly fruit for the next three years of my life. During my rebirth ceremony, I shaved all of my hair (except my mullet) and in the coming months I styled my hair into two peaks which represented that I will either choose the status quo or make the changes needed to implement my new ideas. Then, months later, during my hair merging ceremony, I decided that I will invest effort into my new ideas. Now I am approaching the hair-coming-down ceremony where the first fruit of my ideas will be produced. This ceremony (which will happen in about a month) requires me to grow and then plant an onion daughter. This tradition started when I was an undergrad and found my roommate's onion had grown some leaves. I felt like it deserved to be planted and so I put it in water and let its roots grow out until it was warm enough outside. Pictured here is the new onion child that I rescued from the supermarket.

Look at the beauty of my child! In a few days I will do my hair merging ceremony and plant this onion along with 2 of its siblings. The onion-child and hair-coming-down ceremonies started in the year 2000 and thematically represent the idea of germinating an intention of change, nurturing it through all the winds of frustration and sustaining it though the churning cycles of time.