
[super rough draft] Eventually I will put different things I made from the plants in my biodiverse backyard.

Im going to make tea from plants that I found in my backyard!!! Based on my cursory internet search, all of these plants have beneficial effects. Some of these plants are native and many of them just appeared on their own because I love biodiversity and welcome 'weeds'. On the first row is mint, raspberries leaves and blackberry leaves. In the second row are sage leaves, pine needles and a mullein leaf. In the third row are goldenrod flowers, aster flowers, evening primrose flower and leaves. The honey is from my beehive. I"ll let you know if my concoction isn't good and I end up spending an evening pooping and vomiting :)

LooooOook what I found! Thanks to Avijit from the lab, I learned that these dogwood fruits are edible! Apparently they have a good amount of antioxidants and they taste prettttty gooood

Look what my Mother (Rita Pandey) made! She took the flowers of the staghorn sumac, which she found locally, and made juice that tastes like lemonade. This is a Native American recipe. Other variants of sumac have been used in Middle Eastern, Asian and European cooking.