The Mythology of Herpes

[Rough Draft]

Eventually here I will describe the adventures of my 2 pet rats and how they eventually became part of a narrative that exists within my mythological universe of SOMDEland.

Learn about the Mythology of the Tumors of Her Royal Majesty Queen Herpes the First.

I also did a Coronation Ceremony for Her Royal Majesty Queen Herpes The First and a Death Ceremony for Her Royal Majesty Queen Herpes the Third.

The Herpes Queendom

[Rough Draft]

This is a mythology that exists within SOMDEland.


  • These were lab rats and a few females were kept to breed with the male rats. No experiments were conducted on the female rats because they have extra hormonal cycles which can complexify the data. Therefore, in this lab, all experiments were conduced on male rats. The unneeded female rat pups were humanely sacrificed. It should be noted that animals sacrificed in a science setting undergo much more scrutiny and regulations than those that are slaughtered for food.

  • The person that was sacrificing these female rat pups was feeling sad and, after I told her, she 'rescued' two of them and gave them to me.


  • I recognize that death for the sake of survival is a fundamental quality of nature and while I personally dislike using animals for science, I recognize the importance of animal models for science and medicine. Animals that are sacrificed in a science setting undergo much more scrutiny than those slaughtered for food. I do wish that the general public and scientists have a deeper spiritual appreciation for the sacrifice of life that underlies so much of our knowledge.

  • While I am vegetarian, I don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with hunting and eating meat. I think that is a fundamental quality of nature. However, I feel that the current meat industry is one step away from demonic. The way that we rob animals of their lives, the way we inhumanily prevent them from movement, the way that we combat the massive disease by using mass level antibiotics and the way that we do institutionalized slaughter is demonic. We rob the animal of its beauty, of its expression of its lab. It is wrong.

    • I want to show the inherent beauty of these animals and promote the interpretation that just as there is an infinity between 0 and 1 as there is an infinity between 1 and 1,000,000...both humans and other animals are on similar journeys through life. Just because we think and are conscous doesn't necessarily mean that our perception and expression of reality is any more correct.

Mythological Ingredients

  • Hindu mythology from my past:

    • The story of the birth of Krishna (collaborate with mother to make this more legit):

      • He is considered an avatar of Vishnu

      • His parents were imprisoned and his uncle ordered that all their future newborn children be killed immediately as they were born.

        • The parents of the Herpes Sisters were essentially imprisoned (in a lab) and all of their (female) newborn children were ordered to be sacrificed.

      • When he was born, he was secretly snuck out of the prison and adopted into a family

        • The Herpes Sisters were snuck out and then I adopted them

    • The reason that Ganesh rides a rat

      • Collaborate with mother to make this more legit. I like this interpretation:

      • Based on this, part of the existence of the Herpes Sisters was to help me travel through and overcome some of my obsticles. For example, it is very difficult for me to show physical affection and yet for my kids I showed so much. More than that, they made me appreciate rats and their meaning and their purpose and their life journey and further made me realize in what situation they are the most brilliant and beautiful.

  • The matriarchal story of our family

  • SOMDEland

  • Heirarchy of a monarchy

  • Death of Herpes? What does that mean?

Next Steps

  • Recruit and Retain permanent knights of the Herpes Army of Love

    • Brainstorm with them what our identity is and what sorts activities we should do.

    • We should have a science group that focuses on non-invasive behavior quantification of intelligence of rats in different environments.

  • Create children's storybook with Mother, Milli and Ian that grows and develops the mythology with Mr. Bojangals and the Herpes Sisters....having both fantasy but also realism, where unlike other children's books, we discuss things like death, sacrifice, etc.