
[Super Rough Draft]

  • SOMDEland is the name of my mythological universe which represents the exploration and communication between my subconscious and conscious mind.

  • A name for myself, SOMDE, was created by myself in high school and stands for State/System Of Mind Detached Existence. It was a philosophy that I used to detach myself from the cycles of depression that were often caused by my inability to control the world and its affects around me.

  • In college I incubated within myself to protect myself from the hatred within myself and from outside of me.

    • In my mythology, this incubation was where I collaborated with Zzymbrr to create the architecture of my mini-universe

  • When I became a high school teacher, that is when I opened my universe to my students and it is when I named my universe SOMDEland

  • SOMDEland is my mythological universe that contains digested pieces of my history and reality, it is where I reinterpret what has happened to me and construct a narrative that drives my Destiny. It holds much of my artwork, symbolism and ceremonies. Its prime architects are Vivekanand Pandey Vimal (the projection of my identity into my conscious and rational self) and Zzymbrr (the project of my identity onto my subconscious).

  • All of the creatures that you see in SOMDEland look the same because they are all manifestations of myself. Even real life people that have affected SOMDEland are always expressed as manifestations of myself within myself. SOMDEland is only inhabited by my identity.

Rough Timeline

  • Ages 0-7ish: Age of Zzymbr, he is my imaginary friend and is a really nice guy and we go on adventures together

  • Ages 7-18ish: I have a very negative internal monolog who hates me and Zzymbr is imprisoned and forgotten, this get worse as the years go by into high school and undergrad.

  • Ages 18-25ish: The Age of SOMDE: I use the idea of detachment to deal with my inability to control the world as my self hatred grows

  • Ages 25-36: Slowly my internal monolog becomes nice and the universe of SOMDEland begins

  • Ages 36-39: The Age of Zzymbr: I finally emerge from my cocoon. After Age36, I create this website which is the virtual embodiment of my identity and soul. I use the website as a way to digest and as I was digesting and writing about SOMDEland, I remembered Zzymbr again and realized that what I called an 'imaginary friend' back then was just a positive internal dialog. And so I reawakened the name Zzymbr and became the main architect of my subconscious and SOMDEland.